Sicor S.p.A
Sicor S.p.A was founded following the merger between two Italian companies, "La Lombarda Antinfortunistica S.p.A." and "Sureco S.p.A." − companies representing more than 50 years of activity within the safety marketplace.
Since 2000, Sicor S.p.A. decides to specialise, and dedicate its energies to the sector of design and manufacture of safety hard hats/helmets and face masks/visors, gas analytic instruments, and special accident and emergency equipment.
Subsequent to UNI EN ISO 9001:1994 certification (obtained in 1996), SICOR S.p.A. has engaged in ongoing improvement of its quality management system. In 2002, it achieved conformity with UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 (Vision 2000) certification. Further certification was obtained in November 2009 (UNI EN ISO 9001:2008).
Sector :
Fire / Rescue
Key Products :
Fire Helmet
Rescue Helmet
Anti - Riot Helmet